Sunday, November 18, 2007

This is tubgirl

Before I start, I have to give credit to Scott Cooper for that illustration. I have never met him before but he drew that on my friend Bertram's facebook graffiti wall and I thought it was fucking hilarious. Don't click here it is a link to the real tubgirl.

Anyway, I spend a lot of time on the internet (if the internet was a human - we'd be BFFs). But no matter how much time I spend on the internet I can't seem to get over how fucking crazy it can be. But then I remember it isn't the internet that is crazy - it is the voices in its head (I mean internet users; you see what I did there - I tried to make a joke, sigh).

I remember when I first got the internet I was shocked to see disgusting things like the goatse guy, a man eating a baby, and the various gory images. But now, I am pretty desensitized to seeing awful things. I saw the leaked footage of the Saddam Hussein execution and it didn't even phase me. (I repeat - I fucking saw one of the most infamous dictators to ever live hang to death and I was like "this is kind of boring" - What have you done to me internet?)

What has the internet done to me? What has the internet done to us?

It has allowed us access to the world's greatest taboos with the slightest keystroke. It has also provided a vehicle for crazies to share their odd lifestyle choices - like furries.

Even though most shock sites are pretty damn disturbing, I still don't think the content should be blocked from access. (I do agree that there is a certain boundary that can not be crossed like in the case of child pornography.) The internet isn't inventing these people and these taboos, they were there before, they just didn't have a means to openly communicate with one another. (haha, imagine how awkward it would be asking someone in your small town if they like to have sex in stuffed animal costumes.) Though many people fear for their children stumbling across this type of content - I think it is a lot safer for them to be accidentally seeing it in the safety of their own home than in the streets (or in person). Hell, I have seen some pretty gnarly shit on the internet and I think I turned out okay. I could see desensitization potentially causing sociopathic behavior is some cases (but they probably had other problems) but I could also see someone being desensitized being more likely to just leave the "weirdos" to their vices (and peak in once in a while to appreciate their "normalcy" or a laugh) instead of insisting that they have no rights (or be hurt/murdered) like the Christian Right often suggests.

This is Joe Rogan.

With all that said - whenever a new internet taboo has gone viral, a lot of people check it out (it is probably the same thing that makes so many people rubberneck during traffic accidents or bother to watch NASCAR). And I just so happen to be one of the masses.

This is Crystal and I seeing how long we could last watching 2 Girls 1 Cup.

My co-workers (Brandon, Darryl, and Mike D) try to see how long they can watch the BME Pain Olympics.

On a completely different note:

I sat behind MURS tonight when I saw Beowulf: an IMAX 3D Experience (which would have been terrible if I wasn't so stoned). Man, MURS - what the fuck is up with your hair? You fucking look like Yamato Man from Mega Man 6. Though I can't hate because I thought MURS was done but Dreadlocks is actually pretty sick (thanks to Rick Rock).

I also saw the female offspring that Crunchy Black and Flavor Flav would produce if they had a child.